Animal Production Level 4 Qualification

Purpose and Rationale:

The Animal Production Level 4 qualification is designed to facilitate the progression of supervisors towards positions of Junior Farm Managers within the field of animal production. The contextualized purpose and usage of this qualification are outlined as follows:


Key Objectives and Usage

Learners assessed against this qualification will acquire the necessary competence to effectively manage supervisors and working teams. They will oversee agricultural processes relevant to animal production across various sub-fields, assuming responsibility for ensuring the quality and quantity of outputs.

 Graduates will demonstrate the ability to take complete responsibility for their own actions and supervise others at lower levels within the animal production context. This responsibility will be exercised under broad guidance and evaluation.

Competency will be attained in specialized sub-fields of animal production, with a strong emphasis on management principles. Areas such as small stock, large stock, dairy production, and aquaculture will be covered comprehensively.

Learners will exhibit proficiency in making responsible decisions across a wide range of scenarios. These decisions will be informed by a solid understanding of agri-business principles and good agricultural practices, ensuring alignment with set objectives and targets within the broader farm plan.

Graduates will oversee the implementation of a diverse range of procedures, ensuring adherence to relevant safety, quality, hygiene, and technical standards applicable within the industry.

Learners will be well-positioned to extend their learning and practice into other sub-fields such as plant production and mixed farming. Additional learning within the elective scope of qualifications at this level will facilitate this expansion.

Graduates will actively contribute to the primary agricultural sector by producing quality agricultural products, thereby enhancing the overall agricultural process and accessing local, national, and international agricultural markets. This qualification enables learners to become economically active in farming practices, positively impacting local economic development, household food security, and mainstream agriculture.

Finally, graduates will possess the ability to guide and direct others in the planning, implementation, and control of development projects within the context of animal production



In essence, the Animal Production Level 4 qualification equips learners with advanced managerial skills and specialized knowledge to drive efficiency, sustainability, and success within the animal production sector.


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